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Additions and Updates

Hello everyone! The Brittany McCann Project, working hard to meet the shopping and back to school needs of dozens of children for the 2018 - 2019 school year. Brittany, the inspiration behind the project, shops nearly daily, and helps donate her time to the Project. She is a smart shopper who focuses on finding very special items for the children she helps. Brittany would like you to know that she updates the Brittany McCann Project, Inc. on Facebook on a regular basis, so stop by and check that out! You'll also notice a new RESOURCES page! There, you'll find all kinds of resources, from food, rent assistance, cooling assistance, clothing, mental health, medical care, insurance, and more - to help you find the resources that might benefit you. Please note, the Brittany McCann Project, Inc. doesn't have the ability to purchase large furniture items, help with rent/mortgages, or electric bills. The Project is small and funded by private donations, and we just don't have the resources to meet each of these needs. But, the Resources page has many, many resources for you to check out!

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